History of Turistória

History of Touristória

Almost all human beings dream of traveling and knowing their own stories ... This space here is intended to make this possible! For the tourist, it is a source of stories and information to enrich your trip and try to enchant you even more more for the city you visit. We want to transform your stay into a fantastic cultural experience! For the resident, discoveries and memories that refer to that wonderful feeling of learning about the city itself and, thus, becoming a citizen, with the certainty that this story belongs to you .... “How many times have I been here and never noticed it?” As Cecília Meireles says, “it is necessary to learn to look” ... and that is what these magical places teach us in our own city: to look, to know, to see, to discover, to seek , transform ... Everything starts, then, where the history of the city in which we, the creators of this project, were born, also began. Curitiba, our darling has beautiful and incredible places, and of course, with a lot of history to tell! Let's together obey Cecília and 'learn to look' at what we rarely see and notice but that, when we know the history, we start to see. May the journey be transformative for you !!!
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