Hare Krishna
The clothes, the hair, the adornments, the colors in coral-orange and burgundy, the layout of the furniture and the behavior of the people inside is something that does not exist from the outside gate. Welcome to the HareKrishna temple.
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Faith, prayer, fasting, charity and pilgrimage. These are the five pillars of the Islamic religion. More than praying or going to the mosque, Muslims and Islam culture show us a different way of looking at life and faith.
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In a country where 30% of the population declares itself to be evangelical, it is important to understand the differences, since less than a third of these faithful belong to the so-called historic, non-Pentecostal, classic, traditional Protestant churches.
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The religion that gave rise to Christianity and Islam ....
This time, we at Turistória tell a story that involves immigration, establishment, growth and respect for a people.
Photo: Konrahd Photos.
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