Know to Respect

Knowing to respect: Religious manifestations in Curitiba

There is a culture that is invisible to most people. Invisible, in most cases, not because it is not disclosed or because its expression is too small to be noticed. It becomes invisible simply because it does not belong to the great circuit of cultural manifestations accepted by Western culture and more specifically, by Latin American culture. This "cultural veil" is able to overshadow even the richest cultures, including the most ancient Eastern religions. The purpose of Turistória is to bring to everyone a little bit of the culture and religions present in Curitiba, starting with the historic center. Disseminating other stories helps us to respect each other's culture and to value our own history.
Hare Krishna
The clothes, the hair, the adornments, the colors in coral-orange and burgundy, the layout of the furniture and the behavior of the people inside is something that does not exist from the outside gate. Welcome to the HareKrishna temple.
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Faith, prayer, fasting, charity and pilgrimage. These are the five pillars of the Islamic religion. More than praying or going to the mosque, Muslims and Islam culture show us a different way of looking at life and faith.
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In a country where 30% of the population declares itself to be evangelical, it is important to understand the differences, since less than a third of these faithful belong to the so-called historic, non-Pentecostal, classic, traditional Protestant churches.
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The religion that gave rise to Christianity and Islam ....

This time, we at Turistória tell a story that involves immigration, establishment, growth and respect for a people.

Photo: Konrahd Photos.

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